While some areas and locations might not be seen as appropriate for a commercial casino, there is definitely no valid argument that Pattaya might downgrade its attitude or reputation by establishing the gaming industry at a seaside resort which is famous for adult entertainment and less presentable ventures. Coat-tailing has its advantages: Apart from Thailand, Indonesia and Brunei, there are fully licensed casino facilities in each and every ASEAN member country, while a more sophisticated option is Macau, legalized around 1850. Casino gamblers have either to visit one of the various hidden and illegal casinos all over Thailand, to go online, or to do a border run to Laos or Cambodia.
Thailand’s legal gambling industry is restricted to hi-so horse racing (Royal Turf Club of Thailand and Royal Bangkok Sports Club), and the participation in the lo-so government-owned lottery. An idea whose time has come: Commercial casinos in Pattaya Please read the remarks at the end of this post. #greatpattayacasinos is a special interest group to make Pattaya great again.